
Showing posts from April, 2021

How to Improve the Gas Mileage of Your Motorcycle

Most motorcycles out there can give you about 20-60 miles per gallon, depending upon the rider’s weight, engine size and riding style. However, there are still many ways to get a few more miles out of your motorcycle.  You can get more fuel savings by making some adjustments to your riding style & your motorcycle.  Keep an eye on your tire pressure: All motorcycles have a recommended tire PSI. Irrespective of what your aftermarket seller may tell you, always keep your tires at the pressure suggested by the manufacturer for the best performance. Tires with low air pressure causes drag, which means your motorcycle requires more gasoline to move. Stay current with maintenance: Oil changes, air filter replacements and all other manufacturer recommended instructions should be a part of your regular maintenance. Regular upkeep ensure your engine works better & prolongs fuel economy. Also it keeps you safe, whether you are on a road trip with your friends or run...

Tips for Installing a Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit

A bicycle engine kit is the best way to convert your regular bicycle into a motorized one. Installing a bicycle engine kit should be done carefully by keeping in mind all the details and instructions. The worst happens when the engine does not fit your bike. Do not worry! It is essential to have patience and carefully install the engine kit on your bicycle to get the most out of it.  Here are a few things to consider for installing a bicycle engine kit.  Precautions for Installing 2-Stroke Engine Kit: The 2-stroke engine is simple to upgrade and easy to fix. Before installing a 2-stroke engine there are many things to consider. Make sure that the engine mounts fit perfectly into your bicycle frame. A bicycle frame, down tubes, seat tubes, and top tubes are required to make sure the engine and tank both fit on the bicycle. If you find your bicycle frame is quite big, use vibration motor mounts and shape it to fit the motor properly onto the bicycle.  For ...